Monday, May 02, 2005
Oops Rain
It is finally raining and I knew last night I should of put my seeds in the ground, but I was tired and sunburned so figured it could wait until tonight. Well unless I want to get soaking wet I guess that plan is put to rest.

Might as well curl up with a big mug of tea and browse through my garden books and dream up more ways to conquer my gardens.

I got a nice surprise this morning (after thinking the digging was done) when I went to let the dog out, there on my deck sat a small lilac bush for me. Don't know where it came from yet (Oldroses I think it is to big to blame the birds) and I'm not sure where to plant it either. Maybe the front yard by the road, or near the back fence, I don't want too much shade in the back gardens since I have planted all sun & heat loving flowers.
I wonder what color this Lilac is? I am sure I will find out who left it there, guess it is my reward for taking my neighbor's on the guided tours.

When I was in my yard yesterday I noticed the 1st climbing rose I planted is coming to life, it is a Climbing Dortmund. I can hardly wait for it to bloom again.

This is what it looks like (not my photo, one off the net)

Well thats it for tonight. Keep your garden spades dirty.
"May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers"
Planted by crazygramma at 6:10 PM 1 comments
All original content copyright crazygramma.