Monday, November 07, 2005
They are overworked muscles not old muscles I tell you. I refuse to let myself think that the pain radiating from down my neck, shoulders and into my back has anything remotely to do with age.

After the planting spree last week of all the long awaited bulbs I came into the house and showered, then noticed that my shoulders and neck felt stiff. This however did not concern me at all because let's face it with the gardening season winding down the amount of physical labor dwindles. The next day I felt not too bad and the weather was kind of nice so out I ventured once again with just plans of collecting up all the lawn ornaments and storing them in the shed for the winter, and collect some seeds for friendd. A simple enough plan and quick process you'd think. Never on your life! Once out there I decided to cut back and pull out some of the plants that definitely were the worse for wear due to a couple of nights when the frost hit. That was quick and easy, so into the shed that has been a nightmare for I don't know how long to find some kind of storage container for the solar lights, I discovered a big plastic container that we use during the summer when we have people over for BBQ's and drinks, we put all the empties in it as we go so that we can just put it in the car and return the bottles and cans for refunds. Of course somewhere along the line cans and bottles were still in this so I organized them all and put them into the trunk of my car, gathered up the lights and various ornaments, lawn chairs from the deck and the table. One look at the shed with all this stuff to go in made me realize I had to do something. I organized the whole thing and gave it a good sweep in the process.

Last year when I wanted my Christmas decoration they were buried behind all the summer furniture, the lawn mower etc. And I had the choice of pulling everything out or climbing over the mile high pile. I chose the climbing. Well let me tell you that was not fun since it was cold out there. This year I got a bit smarter and the bins which hold the decorations and the tree are now on top of the patio table for easy access, it will still be cold when I need to get them but at least it will be quick. I then proceeded to clean up more of the yard and anything left standing now is pretty much going to be there for the winter and for nature to deal with.

This all said and done I have not been able to move my neck without pain for the last 4 days, and yesterday I had my grandson while the kids were moving. This did not help my neck at all because he is a big boy. But that pain is worth it.

So what do you think is it age or overworking that has the muscles screaming?
"May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers"
Planted by crazygramma at 6:32 AM 1 comments
All original content copyright crazygramma.