Tuesday, January 31, 2006
When Life Throws You Lemons

Make Lemonade!!!
After months of being unemployed I have finally landed a job. Not at the wages I am used to but what the heck at least there will be an income. At first I did not mind being off because it seems that I have always worked. It gave me a chance to re-arrange all my cupboards, play in the yard, sew etc. however I have a small place so there is only so much cleaning I can do before it is looked upon as being compulsive.
I also got to take my grandson over night on more than one occasion and that was fun even though he is very busy now since he has learned how to do the army crawl and is teething. He now has two on the top and two on the bottom, maybe more now it has been a week since I seen him last. At the risk of sounding really sappy babies are like flowers you turn your back and they have grown. I wish my oldest daughter was closer so that I could see Ivy and Chelsey more as well.
Now my current pet peeve is the neighbours' dog. This is a big dog who is very friendly but has been using my yard as a dumping ground. There is no fence between the yards, so not only am I cleaning up after my dog who thank goodness is small I have to clean up after this elephant dog. Yuck. Well yesterday I decided enough is enough and I am going to go knock on their door and ask them to clean up after the dog. Hopefully I will not make an enemy. Why can't people just keep their dogs on a leash? My dog is always on a leash and cannot reach their yard.
The other thing bugging me is that both myself and my other half have cell phones with the same carrier. Last week he received a headset in the mail for his cell phone and I did not. What's up with that? I am going to call them and ask why I don't get one, after all fair is fair.
And I wish the seed catalog I ordered would arrive,it is frustrating that mine has not even arrived and some of you have already gotten your seeds.
Enough complaining for today.
I have cabin fever I think. Can't wait for the spring to arrive and see the 60 bulbs I planted bloom. Now that I have my own digital camera there will be lots of pictures to share.
"May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers"
Planted by crazygramma at 6:04 AM
Monday, January 23, 2006
Where did it go??
I can't believe it has been almost a full month since I have entered anything into my blog.
I took a little walk around my yard the other day and the things I discovered got me thinking about the work that awaits me in the Spring. Part of the trellis I put on the shed has come off, so it will need to be nailed back up. The arch I have in the back is on a tilt telling me that I will need to figure out a way to secure into the ground.
Here is a picture of what I am trying to do with the front arch ( minus the statues)from one of my garden magazines.

I have the two roses planted along with lavender in front and sage behind as well as some other plants I cannot remember. However like the arch in the back yard this one will need to be anchored somehow. In fact it is laying down in the back yard behind the house because it keeps blowing over. This will be the entrance into the side garden I am trying to get established.
So I am thinking I will try some quick set cement for both of these unless someone has a better idea.
The poor Lilac bushes I planted in that hard ground in the front of my house are also taking a beating. One was stepped on by the propane guy that came to take away the old tank, and a second one was stepped on this weekend. So much for the rocks out there to alert everyone that the bushes are planted. Maybe they will come back up, I'll check it out in the Spring.
And of course there is just the regular Spring cleanup that waits for all us.
Like everyone else it seems I am planning for the Spring already and we have not even gotten through January.
"May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers"
Planted by crazygramma at 1:06 PM