Thursday, April 20, 2006
Sure sign of Spring
It's a sure sign of Spring last week I went out and cleaned the debris from my yard (including all the dog *****) and cut down some of the old growth from last season. Also fixed the fallen down arch and my kindly neighbour repaired the trellis work on the shed for me. On Tuesday I hauled out my lawn mower and when finished with that I used some weed & feed on the grass to try and get a jump start on killing the masses of dandelions that have already started to appear. I was planning on doing all the trimming as well, but I then realized it was Tuesday not Monday and I had to work, however the battery for my weed-eater is charged and maybe I can get it done today, or get around to cutting down the rest of the dead growth in the gardens.
Events happening in the yard are daffodils, Johnny jump-ups, hycinths, and the apricot tree blooming. The sweet peas have started come up once again in full force and I have noticed that I have some tulips ready to burst open, and the lilac bush has leaves but no blooms yet.
Here are a few pictures I took the other day while I was outside.

This is one of the areas I cleaned up, the daisy plant has also started to show signs of life.

I can not remember what this is but it is one of the 60 bulbs I planted in the fall.

The apricot tree in bloom.
I feel very lazy this year it seems like everyone else has been out in their yards doing the big Spring clean-up and I am just starting
"May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers"
Planted by crazygramma at 7:40 AM