Monday, June 19, 2006
Two Days Off?
For who? I have been just crazy busy for the last three days. On Thursday J's new truck came in so by the time we went to see it and I dropped him off back at his other truck it was time to go to work. Friday I was busy in the yard and worked, so all was good I was looking forward to spending the next day in the yard. At 8am Saturday morning I went and grabbed groceries before it got too busy, however I no sooner got in the house and the phone rang and we were heading off to meet J's brothers for breakfast. I just went with the flow thinking ok I should eat before I go and do yard work anyways. No such luck now we had to go and check on the truck again to make sure that everything was being done and to get an idea as to when it will be ready to hit the highway. Here is a picture of the new truck.

And of course what is a picture of a truck without three guys discussing it LOL

I was indeed ansty to get home because on Friday morning after doing some yard work I went to my favorite nursery to look for some snow in the summer. No luck but I did come home with 8 rock roses, 2 Dianthus, and 6 Casa Blanca lilies. The lilies were a great deal I had picked up two for $3.89 each when one the girls there showed me a pot of 6 for the price of $19.99 so I had too LOL. Anyways I just wanted to go home and plant. While I was waiting for the guys to talk about trucks etc etc it started pouring rain so I knew I was not going to get anything done outside.

Sunday morning we again went out for breakfast and as soon as J left for the wide open highway I was out there planting. Four rock roses went on each side for a border up the side of the house, the Dianthus I just stuck in the ground, now as for the lilies I have put two under the computer room window which faces the side garden, one under the kitchen window which also faces the side garden after moving an iris, two went in the same area of the other oriental lilies I bought last year. Then the final two went on the other side of the house at the end of the deck where my bedroom window just happens to be as well.

I have an area around the air conditioner that has been a haven for weeds and used as a litter box by all the cats in the area so I cleaned that up as well. And since it is by the air conditioner I did not want anything to tall. Here is a before and after shot of the area.

I dug up a chick and hens and just broke it up as well as I put pieces of another ground cover there to see if it will grow, then I remembered I had a bag of white rocks that someone gave me two years ago so I put them to use.

And while I was out there working I also discovered this little gem in bloom, one of the mystery bulbs I planted last fall.

After all this my girlfriend came over for dinner and she had also been working in her boyfriends yard all day so we had ribs, salad and a bottle of wine.

Today I did some trimming,dead heading and weeding which I will finish tomorrow and maybe if I have time I will move some iris around to get the colors mixed up a bit before I once again forget which ones are yellow,purple and purple and white.
"May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers"
Planted by crazygramma at 8:35 PM 4 comments
All original content copyright crazygramma.